China's mature composite insulator manufacturing technology
Currently, composite insulators for transmission lines, umbrella skirt shape than in the past has been greatly improved, basically "size umbrella", "five-umbrella combination of three umbrella structure" and "the two two three umbrella the umbrella diameter to 200 mm, the Umbrella spacing 140 mm; For all kinds of hollow composite insulators to prevent more intensive structural design easily sheds rain even in a chain of heavy rain or rainstorm, causing rain flash. Therefore, the the composite insulator sheds shape optimization design is still a need to the system is the focus of the study. Interface and sealing structure design interface and sealing structure design is the key to the design of composite hollow insulator, after all, composite insulators run time is not long, a small number, many of its key technology, the test has not been operating environment, in particular, end fittings, glass fiber reinforced epoxy pipe umbrella sets three interface, if not handled properly, it will affect the safe operation of the composite hollow insulator.Insulators according to different classification criteria and forms can be divided into different categories and types show different performance and value in actual use and development in the form of the structure can be divided into the pin insulator, rod insulators and suspension insulators. In operation be able to withstand the load of wires in the vertical direction and the horizontal direction tension. It also suffers from the sun, rain, climate change and chemical corrosion. Therefore, the insulator both have good electrical properties, but also have sufficient mechanical strength. The quality of the insulator is very important for the safe operation of the line. Category the link insulator classification insulator that can be performed on a structural form, function and use of materials. (2) according to different functions can be divided into common type insulators and pollution prevention insulators. Use of materials can be divided into synthetic (silicone) insulator porcelain insulators, glass insulators and composite insulators. The composite insulator composite insulator rod silicone rubber insulators referred.
Insulated substation equipment composite technology advantage, economy, reliability has been widely recognized alternative to porcelain hollow insulator and solve the problem of the filthy area substation equipment with porcelain insulators sewage flash, rupture, explosion and other next-generation products. Extending reading insulator insulators commonly known as porcelain, it is used to the support guide dgjg_kydl line insulator. The insulator can guarantee wire and cross arm Tower adequate insulation. The composite insulators manufacturing technology is mature, the process is simple, the mandrel strength, gold with strength and crimp strength with design more reasonable. When run in the long-term high humidity atmospheric conditions, if the composite insulators hydrophobic appear partial loss or complete loss prone to arcing shorted sheds and lead to flashover accident, serious threat to the reliable operation of the grid security.